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The ambition of Grenoble-Neurotech is to gather interdisciplinary forces available in Grenoble to develop novel brain interfacing devices to serve Brain Computer Interface (BCI) -based rehabilitation systems, including four Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) poles and the DRT-CEA (CEA Tech).

The consortium is highly interdisciplinary, gathering a network of 15 Grenoble laboratories addressing complementary aspects of neurotechnologies based on their expertise and unique Grenoble environment in the following fields: advanced material, micro and nanotechnologies, microelectronics, mechanical engineering, soft robotics, signal processing, computer science, artificial intelligence and machine learning, speech, neuroscience, neurophysiology, neurology, neurosurgery, ethics, philosophy and social sciences. Overall, this rich consortium aims to build new neural interfacing systems and translate them to the clinics.


  • Viana, D, Walston ST, Masvidal Codina E, Illa X, Rodríguez-Meana B, del Valle J, Hayward A, Dodd A, Loret T, Prats-Alfonso E, de la Oliva N, Palma M, del Corro E, del Pilar Bernicola M, Rodriguez-Lucas E, Gener T, de la Cruz JM, Torres-Miranda M, Taygun Duvan F, Ria N, Sperling J, Martí-Sánchez S, Chiara Spadaro M, Hebert C, Savage S, Arbiol J, Guimerà-Brunet A, Puig MV, Yvert B, Navarro X, Kostarelos K, Garrido JA (2024) Nanoporous graphene-based thin-film microelectrodes for in vivo high-resolution neural recording and stimulation, Nat Nanotechnol, in press doi: 10.1038/s41565-023-01570-5

  • Yvert, B., Fourneret, E. (2023) Neuromorphic brain interfacing and the challenge of human subjectivation. Nat Rev Bioeng 1, 380–381.

  • Le Godais G, Roussel P, Bocquelet F, Aubert M, Kahane P, Chabardès S, Yvert B (2023) Overt Speech Decoding From Cortical Activity: A Comparison Of Different Linear Methods. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 17:1124065. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1124065

  • Hébert C, Yvert B (2022) Comment fonctionnent l’implant Neuralink et les autres interfaces cerveau-machine. The conversation, Dec 2022, online article at :…

  • Roussel P, Le Godais G, Bocquelet F, Palma M, Hongjie J, Zhang S, Giraud AL, Mégevand P, Miller K, Gehrig J, Kell C, Kahane P, Chabardès S, Yvert B (2020) Observation and assessment of acoustic contamination of electrophysiological brain signals during speech production and sound perception. J Neural Eng 17:056028. DOI : 10.1088/1741-2552/abb25e

  • Bocquelet F, Hueber T, Girin L, Chabardès S, Yvert B (2017) Key considerations in designing a speech brain computer interface. J Physiol Paris, 110: 392-401.

  • Bocquelet F, Hueber T, Girin L, Savariaux C, Yvert B (2016) Real-Time Control of an Articulatory-Based Speech Synthesizer for Brain Computer Interfaces. PLOS Comput Biol 12:e1005119. DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005119


  • Lorach, H., Galvez, A., Spagnolo, V., Martel, F., Karakas, S., Intering, N., ... Charvet G., Bloch J. & Courtine, G. (2023). Walking naturally after spinal cord injury using a brain–spine interface. Nature, 1-8.

  • Benabid, A. L., Costecalde, T., Eliseyev, A., Charvet, G., Verney, A., Karakas, S., ... & Schaeffer, M. C. (2019). An exoskeleton controlled by an epidural wireless brain–machine interface in a tetraplegic patient: a proof-of-concept demonstration. The Lancet Neurology, 18(12), 1112-1122.

  • Larzabal, C., Bonnet, S., Costecalde, T., Auboiroux, V., Charvet, G., Chabardes, S., ... & Sauter-Starace, F. (2021). Long-term stability of the chronic epidural wireless recorder WIMAGINE in tetraplegic patients. Journal of Neural Engineering, 18(5), 056026.

  • Moly, A., Costecalde, T., Martel, F., Martin, M., Larzabal, C., Karakas, S., ... & Aksenova, T. (2022). An adaptive closed-loop ECoG decoder for long-term and stable bimanual control of an exoskeleton by a tetraplegic. Journal of Neural Engineering, 19(2), 026021.

  • Mestais, C. S., Charvet, G., Sauter-Starace, F., Foerster, M., Ratel, D., & Benabid, A. L. (2014). WIMAGINE: Wireless 64-channel ECoG recording implant for long term clinical applications. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 23(1), 10-21.



  • M. T. Chikhaoui and Benoît Rosa (2022): “Modeling and control strategies for flexible devices”, Endorobotics, 1st Edition: Design, R&D and Future Trends, pp. 187-213, edited by Luigi Manfredi, Elsevier. Paperback ISBN: 9780128217504.

  • M. Tummers, V. Lebastard, F. Boyer, J. Troccaz, B. Rosa, and M. T. Chikhaoui (2023): "Cosserat Rod Modeling of Continuum Robots from Newtonian and Lagrangian Perspectives". IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(3): 2360-2378.

  •  M. T. Chikhaoui, S. Lilge, S. Kleinschmidt, and J. Burgner-Kahrs (2019): "Comparison of Modeling Approaches for a Tendon Actuated Continuum Robot with Three Extensible Segments". IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(2): 989-996.

  • M. T. Chikhaoui, J. Granna, J. Starke, and J. Burgner-Kahrs (2018): "Toward Motion Coordination Control and Design Optimization for Dual-Arm Concentric Tube Continuum Robots". IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(3): 1793-1800.

  • A. V. Kudryavtsev, M. T. Chikhaoui, A. Liadov, P. Rougeot, F. Spindler, K. Rabenorosoa, J. Burgner-Kahrs, B. Tamadazte, and N. Andreff (2018): "Eye-in-Hand Visual Servoing of Concentric Tube Robots". IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(3): 2315-2321.

Submitted on March 28, 2024

Updated on March 28, 2024